Plan B for Networks Like JVZoo,
Warriorplus or clickbank

Since you can't redirect your affiliate link to a .js script, you need another way to use popup and exit pop codes with affiliates for your links on Zoo, W+ or Clickbank.  And any other networks you use that have a similar issue.

The workaround is to clone the popup and drop in the affiliate's link.

You can clone popups in email programs like Aweber or Getresponse.

You can do the same thing in Popup Domination or Popup Maker.  You click the copy button, drop in the affiliate link as the destination urk, save and give the affiliate the code.

Obviously you can't do this with all affiliates. But you can do it with affiliates with a sore labelled as GREEN on W+.

You see where you have the blue scores under score?  If those are green, that means it's a high-ranked affiliate and you can custom create a popup for them. Or, if it's an affiliate you know.